Corporate real estate management perspective of the intelligent building

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School of Engineering | Master's thesis
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Corporate Real Estate Management has been engaged at all levels of strategy and operation over the years in creating value for companies through their real estate properties. Amidst rapidly changing ways of doing business and preferences of corporate staff, the modern Corporate Real Estate Manager has the challenge of putting dynamism into the 'driving technologies' and 'enabling technologies' under their jurisdiction in companies. One of such technologies is the Intelligent Building design. The Corporate Real Estate Manager is challenged to encompass this dynamism without derailing from the strategic goals and objectives of the corporation. This study investigates the magnitude of relationships between the Intelligent Building design and Corporate Real Estate Management. The study looks at the Intelligent Building design from the perspective of a Corporate Real Estate Manager. It shows how Intelligent Building characteristics foster, or hamper, Corporate Real Estate goals and objectives. An extensive literature Review defines and contextualizes the concepts of this study, eliminates ambiguities and creates a framework for selection of variables for the empirical study. A mixed method of study is used, comprising of a face-to-face interview for qualitative study and an online survey (pilot questionnaires) for quantitative study. The interview is intended to confirm the Corporate Real Estate goals and objectives extracted from previous literature with the Corporate Real Estate executive of a case company. The survey is intended to build a matrix of relationships between Intelligent Building characteristics and Corporate Real Estate goals and objectives. The outcome of the empirical study is buttressed by previous research and available data on this study to make recommendations to corporations and Corporate Real Estate stakeholders. This study is limited in scope but the methods can be applied more extensively for subsequent research.
Junnila, Seppo
intelligent building, corporate real estate, management
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