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Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki School of Economics and Aalto University digitized theses

Check digitized thesis and permission for electronic publishing

Aalto University has digitised into electronic format almost 60 000 theses from the University of Technology and Helsinki School of Economics from 1960s onwards. All final works can be found in Aalto University platform Aaltodoc. To get hold of your own work you need to log in using identification. If your email can be found in the AlumniCircle network you get a personal link that leads directly to your thesis.
More information: Digitisation projects at Aalto University Archives | Frequently asked questions (only in finnish)


[dipl] Teknillinen korkeakoulu / TKK | item : 123456789/94637

Development of a long-term rehabilitation plan for the water supply utility of Kerava and its household water distribution network and residential wastewater network
Pitkän tähtäimen saneerausohjelman laatiminen Keravan vesihuoltolaitoksen talousveden jakelujärjestelmää ja asumisjäteveden viemäröintijärjestelmää varten

Niemi, Tiina
If you are the thesis author and want to check your digitized thesis and/or publish it for Open Access in the Aaltodoc repository start with the identification:

1. Identification for access to your digitized thesis

Identify via e-Identification service: e-Identification is a shared identification service of public administration e-services in Finland. The service is in use in the e-services in which a user must identify themselves reliably. You can identify yourself using Finnish online banking codes, a certificate card or a mobile certificate
If you are not able to use the e-Identification service, please contact