A new-media company in transition: Trust and communication double-binds in a small organization. An activity theoretical research

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School of Arts, Design and Architecture | Master's thesis
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Degree programme







This research examines the application of Engeström’s (1987) activity theory, “Expansive Learn-ing”. The research focuses on MountainMedia’s activity system by referring and analyzing current situation, affected by market needs, financial issues and the human-dynamics within the organiza-tion itself. This research relies on several theories for addressing a change such as Beer & Nohria’s (2000) theory E and O for analyzing the approach and methods relevant to conclusive change as well as theory of resiliency by Välikangas (2010). This paper methodologically describes how MountainMedia shifts from its current structure in a new direction which was unclear and unset beforehand. The issues and double binds which en-compass this change are thoroughly described and address in this research. The examined double binds revolve around communication problem that result in over-time, lack of trust and stagnation. As expansive learning is usually applied on big public systems such as hospitals and courts where the time span of such method takes several years. This research is applied on a small scale organization throughout a period of 6 months. This short period sheds new light on the benefits of expansive learning in small organization questioning its feasibility in terms of time, length of change and results. Obviously, big civil-service public systems are in most cases non-profit, where the clients’ benefit is usually placed first, as opposed to for-profit organizations. Due to the nature of such organizations, there is a need for urgency complete a change rapidly, (within few months). Such need to “see results” quickly has sabotaged the expansive learning cycle, and prevented the succession of consecutive cycles. Nev-ertheless, the prior phases of expansive learning have been established successfully and have contributed to the organizations’ learning of its current situation, abilities and possible future activities. Yet, instead the continuation of the cycle as a group, the CEO has preferred establishing a top-down method, once realizing the change is not viable in the near sight (few months). This raises several questions: timing – when should companies conduct a change, the method in which small creative organizations are required to operate and how to conduct such change (using different tools, addressing a different audience, et al). Research findings reveal the double-binds which encompass MountainMedia and present the actions taken in order to overcome these. Throughout the research MountainMedia has decided to expand its system to 4 different business areas and divide its activity accordingly, shifting form a one-man-company to a small-sized business that is focused on organizational development and training. Trust and communication double binds were still current, yet new ideas and frameworks were suggested, based on Mirsha and Mirsha's framework positive organizational scholarship and trust in leaders (2012).



Freeman, Stephanie

Thesis advisor

Engeström, Yrjö


expansive learning, organizational development, double bind, learning organization, change and development

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