Measurement, reporting and applications of bidirectional reflectance distribution function

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorManoocheri, Farshid, Dr., Aalto University, Finland
dc.contributor.authorLanevski, Dmitri
dc.contributor.departmentSignaalinkäsittelyn ja akustiikan laitosfi
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Signal Processing and Acousticsen
dc.contributor.labMetrology Research Instituteen
dc.contributor.schoolSähkötekniikan korkeakoulufi
dc.contributor.schoolSchool of Electrical Engineeringen
dc.contributor.supervisorIkonen, Erkki, Prof., Aalto University, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Finland
dc.description.abstractThe thesis addresses the issues of measurement, reporting and applications of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) from the point of view of modern problems and corresponding solutions. The first part of the work considers the development of the new 3D gonioreflectometer aimed to overcome the limits of Aalto University's existing instrument by enabling out-of-plane SI-traceable BRDF measurements and allowing horizontal sample alignment needed to study reflective properties of loose samples like soil or sand. The operation principles of the new instrument as well as the design of its illumination, detection and goniometer systems are described. The uncertainty budget of the instrument is thoroughly studied and concluded in a table with numerical values assigned to different uncertainty components. The performance of the new gonioreflectometer is validated by test measurements compared with in-plane BRDF determined by Aalto University's absolute reference gonioreflectometer. The second part focuses on reporting of BRDF data and proposes a solution for BRDF data non-conformity and compatibility problems in the form of thoroughly documented universal Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) BRDF file format. The file format based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) syntaxis is carefully documented and supported by JSON schema that enables its automated validation. The uptake of the presented BRDF data format is facilitated by introduction of an open-source software build around it. The software serves as an interface between the user and JSON schema validator as well as allows to visualize and compare BRDF data stored in files. The third part considers application of BRDF for material characterization. The developed new gonioreflectometer is used to characterize BRDF of the loose ground sample collected from RadCalNet Gobabeb test site used for vicarious sensor calibration of Earth observation satellites. The peculiarities of the ground sample as well as its preparation procedures are explained. A data synthesis method for combination of BRDF data of various ground sample fractions is introduced. The results on Gobabeb ground sample BRDF from laboratory characterizations are presented, analysed and compared with in-situ measurements. The last part of the thesis demonstrates the application of BRDF for functional material design. It introduces a new method to develop reflectance reference samples with the BRDF similar to the BRDF of crumpled reflective insulation material samples. The method based on microfacet model is thoroughly described and tested using physics-based Monte-Carlo simulations. Test results as well as example designs for anisotropic and isotropic reflectance reference samples for aluminium foil are presented, explained and discussed.en
dc.format.extent84 + app. 64
dc.identifier.isbn978-952-64-1003-6 (electronic)
dc.identifier.isbn978-952-64-1002-9 (printed)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4942 (electronic)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4934 (printed)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4934 (ISSN-L)
dc.opnPatrick, Heather, Dr., National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
dc.publisherAalto Universityen
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 1]: Lanevski, Dmitri; Manoocheri, Farshid and Ikonen, Erkki. 2022. “Gonioreflectometer for measuring spectral BRDF of horizontally aligned samples with traceability to SI”. IOP Publishing Ltd. Metrologia, volume 59, number 2, 025006. Full text in Acris/Aaltodoc: DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/ac55a7
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 2]: Lanevski, Dmitri; Ferrero, Alejandro; Perales, Esther; Manoocheri, Farshid and Ikonen, Erkki. 2022. “Machine-readable universal data format for bidirectional reflectance distribution function and BiRDview—An open-source webbased application for viewing and comparing bidirectional reflectance data”. Color Research & Application, volume 47, issue 5, pages 1177-1192. Full text in Acris/Aaltodoc: DOI: 10.1002/col.22790
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 3]: Lanevski, Dmitri; Manoocheri, Farshid and Ikonen, Erkki. “Gonioreflectometric properties of the sand from RadCalNet Gobabeb test site”. Submitted for publication in 2022
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 4]: Lanevski, Dmitri; Manoocheri, Farshid; Vaskuri, Anna; Hameury, Jacques, Kersting, Robert; Monte, Christian; Adibekyan, Albert; Kononogova, Elena and Ikonen, Erkki. 2019. “Determining the shape of reflectance reference samples for curved surface reflectors”. Measurement Science and Technology, volume 31, number 5, 054010. Full text in Acris/Aaltodoc: DOI:
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAalto University publication series DOCTORAL THESESen
dc.revSuomalainen, Juha, Dr., Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, Finland
dc.revSimonot, Lionel, Dr., Université de Poitiers, France
dc.subject.keywordFAIR file formaten
dc.subject.keywordBRDF visualizationen
dc.subject.keywordGobabeb sanden
dc.subject.keywordinsulation materialsen
dc.subject.keywordreference sampleen
dc.subject.otherElectrical engineeringen
dc.titleMeasurement, reporting and applications of bidirectional reflectance distribution functionen
dc.typeG5 Artikkeliväitöskirjafi
dc.type.ontasotDoctoral dissertation (article-based)en
dc.type.ontasotVäitöskirja (artikkeli)fi
local.aalto.acrisexportstatuschecked 2022-11-11_1253


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