Dissolution of copper and nickel from nickel-rich anode slimes under oxidized pressure leaching
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Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Anode slimes are valuable by-products in the electrolytic copper refinery process. This study aimed to investigate maximum extraction efficiency of Cu and Ni from slimes originating from the electrorefining of anodes containing high [Ni]. In addition, the extractions of Se, Te, As and Bi were determined. A factorial leaching series was conducted with T = 140–160°C, [H2SO4] = 12–20%, pO2= 2–8 bars and solid/liquid ratio = 200–400 g/L. The highest Ni extraction of 99.7% was obtained with [H2SO4] = 20%, pO2 = 8 bar and T = 160°C while maintaining S/L ratio of 200 g/L. The extraction of copper was found to be within 97–99% in all the leaching experiments. Increasing acidity and decreasing S/L ratio increased the efficiency of Cu extraction. Mineralogical characterizations by SEM-EDX demonstrated the presence of Ag2Se, BaSO4, PbSO4 and several oxide phases in the leach residue.Description
Autoclave, copper electrorefining, extraction efficiency, hydrometallurgy, modelling, secondary metal sources, sulphuric acid leaching, valorization
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Mohanty , U S , Kalliomäki , T , Seisko , S , Peng , C , Rintala , L , Halli , P , Aromaa , J , Taskinen , P & Lundström , M 2019 , ' Dissolution of copper and nickel from nickel-rich anode slimes under oxidized pressure leaching ' , Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy . https://doi.org/10.1080/25726641.2019.1670008