In-between space. The dynamics and user circulation of an office building

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School of Arts, Design and Architecture | Master's thesis
Degree programme
Degree Programme in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design
Sisustusarkkitehtuurin ja huonekalusuunnittelun koulutusohjelma
In the thesis: In-between Space; The defining dynamics of a building, the topic of open landscape office is discussed with a focus on the in-between spaces within one such space. Through research and case studies, the in-between spaces have been narrowed down with a specific focus on the spaces that plays a large role in defining the dynamics of a building as well as being an important factor in the internal user circulation. Two case studies have been chosen to increase the understanding of such spaces and the challenges within one. One being a new building where the design was created to meet the user’s needs, the other is an old building where the design had to fit around the skeleton and the parameters of the already exciting building. Both these building has the in-between space of interest in this thesis, the findings in the research being very different from each other. With the research, the case studies and the findings in mind, a product, based upon a self-created design brief will be created. The aim is to redesign, to "save" a space and make it into a usable, innovative and an exciting place to be where the end result has the purpose of changing the dynamic of the building. The design will be shown in this thesis in one building, but the purpose behind the design will be applicable in a large variety of buildings where the core issue is the same. In the end, it is the redesign of an existing building that is the main challenge. The goal is for an old building to undergo a change so that it will be able to compete with newer buildings and be desirable to house companies in the future.
Kauppola, Toni
Thesis advisor
Pentti, Kareoja
In-between, office building, vertical communication, user dynamics
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