A New Single DC Source Five-Level Boost Inverter Applicable to Grid-Tied Systems

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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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IEEE Access, Volume 11
In this paper, a single source five-level boost inverter has been proposed and analyzed. The proposed structure includes a five-level inverter and a single-input multi-output (SIMO) boost converter. In this structure, the DC link voltage has been controlled by controlling the implemented DC-DC boost converter. In addition, the inverter switching pattern has been obtained based on the pick current control (PCC) method. In order to test and prove the performance of the proposed structure, this system is tested with the local grid. Since the active and reactive powers have been controlled based on the PCC method, the generated energy in a renewable energy source can be transferred to the local grid with a controlled and high-quality current. In this paper, the proposed structure has been introduced and its operation in different modes has been analyzed completely. Furthermore, the design considerations of the required elements have been investigated. Also, the power loss analysis and the comparison results of the proposed converter with other similar structures have been presented. Finally, in order to test the practical performance of the proposed structure and prove the theoretical analysis, a 620 W laboratory prototype of this structure has been assembled and its performance with the local grid has been tested.
Publisher Copyright: Author
Boosting, Capacitors, DC-DC converter, Multilevel inverter, Multilevel inverters, Peak Current Control (PCC), Switches, Topology, Voltage, Voltage control
Other note
Marangalu, M G, Kurdkandi, N V, Alavi, P, Khadem, S, Tarzamni, H & Mehrizi-Sani, A 2023, ' A New Single DC Source Five-Level Boost Inverter Applicable to Grid-Tied Systems ', IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 24112-24127 . https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3253806