Avalanche dynamics in driven systems : from plastic deformation to fluid invasion
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Doctoral thesis (article-based)
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A large class of interacting systems in Nature respond to externally applied driving in an intermittent and heterogeneous manner. Typically, the statistics of sizes of the observed bursts of activity, or avalanches, can be described by scale free power law distributions. Also the temporal correlations associated to such an activity time series are of interest, and can be studied by computing the power spectrum of the time series. This power spectrum typically scales as a power law of the frequency, 1⁄>fDescription
avalanches, noise, self-organized criticality, plastic deformation, imbibition
Other note
- [Publication 1]: Lasse Laurson, Mikko J. Alava, and Stefano Zapperi. 2005. Power spectra of self-organized critical sandpiles. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, L11001, 8 pages. © 2005 Institute of Physics Publishing. By permission.
- [Publication 2]: Martin Rost, Lasse Laurson, Martin Dubé, and Mikko Alava. 2007. Fluctuations in fluid invasion into disordered media. Physical Review Letters, volume 98, 054502, 4 pages. © 2007 American Physical Society. By permission.
- [Publication 3]: L. Laurson and M. J. Alava. 2006. 1⁄f noise and avalanche scaling in plastic deformation. Physical Review E, volume 74, 066106, 5 pages. © 2006 American Physical Society. By permission.
- [Publication 4]: M.-Carmen Miguel, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava. 2008. Material yielding and irreversible deformation mediated by dislocation motion. The European Physical Journal B, volume 64, pages 443-450.
- [Publication 5]: Paolo Moretti, Lasse Laurson, and Mikko J. Alava. 2008. Dislocation interactions mediated by grain boundaries. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P05010, 13 pages. © 2008 Institute of Physics Publishing. By permission.
- [Publication 6]: Lasse Laurson and Mikko J. Alava. 2008. A driven particle in a cloud of mobile impurities. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P07003, 10 pages. © 2008 Institute of Physics Publishing. By permission.