Fast Feedback Control of Mechanical Motion Using Circuit Optomechanics
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Physical Review Applied, Volume 19, issue 5
Measurement-based control, using an active-feedback loop, is a standard tool in technology. Feedback control is also emerging as a useful and fundamental tool in quantum technology and in related fundamental studies, where it can be used to prepare and stabilize pure quantum states in various quantum systems. Feedback cooling of center-of-mass micromechanical oscillators, which typically exhibit high thermal noise far above the quantum regime, has been particularly actively studied and has recently been shown to allow ground-state cooling by means of optical measurements. Here we realize measurement-based feedback operations in an electromechanical system, cooling the mechanical thermal noise down to three quanta, limited by added amplifier noise. We also obtain significant cooling when the system is pumped at the blue optomechanical sideband, where the system is unstable without feedback.Description
Funding Information: We thank Juha Muhonen and Marton Gunyho for useful discussions. We acknowledge the facilities and technical support of the Otaniemi Research Infrastructure for Micro- and Nanotechnologies. This work was supported by the Academy of Finland (Contracts No. 307757 and No. 312057), the European Research Council (Contract No. 101019712), and the Finnish Cultural Foundation. The work was performed as part of the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence program (project 336810). We acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 824109, the European Microkelvin Platform, and the QuantERA II Programme (Contract No. 13352189). L.M.d.L. acknowledges funding from the Strategic Research Council at the Academy of Finland (Grant No. 338565). | openaire: EC/H2020/101019712/EU//GUANTUM | openaire: EC/H2020/824109/EU//EMP
Other note
Wang, C, Banniard, L, De Lépinay, L M & Sillanpää, M A 2023, ' Fast Feedback Control of Mechanical Motion Using Circuit Optomechanics ', Physical Review Applied, vol. 19, no. 5, 054091, pp. 1-14 .