Life cycle assessment of some possible future marine fuels

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorLi, Shouzhuang
dc.contributor.authorArshad, Nauman
dc.contributor.schoolInsinööritieteiden korkeakoulufi
dc.contributor.supervisorLarmi, Martti
dc.description.abstractSince the turn of the 21st century, several commitments and pledges were made on world level to curb greenhouse gases emissions in every sector including power production, industries, agriculture, and transportation to limit global mean temperature below 2 ℃. Therefore, Maritimes organizations are also setting some strict environmental rules and regulations for the marine industry. Strict regulations regarding GHG emissions as well as uncertainty in fossil fuel supply in the future are compelling factors to use new renewable alternative fuels as well as new abetment technologies in marine transportation. H2, NH3,and MEOH are considered renewable fuels because of low carbon emissions during combustion. However, these fuels are produced by different pathways, so life cycle assessment analysis provides information that which pathway is most environmentally friendly. In this attributional life cycle assessment study, the carbon footprints in terms of Global Warming Potential environmental impact expressed in kg of CO2 emissions are calculated for conventional and non-conventional production pathways of H2, NH3, and MEOH fuels. The conventional pathways have natural gas as feedstock and non-conventional are considered as P2X pathways in which electrolyzers, carbon capturing systems, and cryogenic air separation units are involved. Electricity from Finnish grid mix 2018 is used but a comparison is built by using electricity from hypothetical renewable Finnish grid mix to investigate the effect of different energy sources. The total energy used and energy efficiencies for all 15 scenarios are also calculated. The system boundary in this LCA study is taken as cradle to gate with functional unit of 1MWh energy in term of LHV and GaBi with Ecoinvent 3.8 database is used. In this study, by using electricity from Finnish grid mix 2018, the carbon footprints of conventional H2 and MEOH production pathways are fewer than the non-conventional P2X pathways because Finnish grid mix 2018 carbon footprints and minimum GWP100 impact is for conventional MEOH pathway and maximum is for conventional ammonia pathway. By using hypothetical renewable Finnish grid that carbon footprint of nonconventional P2X fuels production pathways reduced to minimum and even negative carbon footprints for P2X methanol production pathways. The conventional pathways have relative higher efficiencies and lower total used energy with respect to non-conventional P2X pathways. Moreover, in the comparisons of different fuel types, the H2 fuel production pathways have higher energy efficiencies, and non-conventional MEOH production pathways has lowest energy efficiencies.en
dc.programmeMaster's Programme in Advanced Energy Solutions (AAE)fi
dc.programme.majorSustainable Energy Conversion Processesfi
dc.subject.keywordlife cycle assessmenten
dc.subject.keywordmarine fuelsen
dc.subject.keywordcarbon footprintsen
dc.titleLife cycle assessment of some possible future marine fuelsen
dc.typeG2 Pro gradu, diplomityöfi
dc.type.ontasotMaster's thesisen
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