Data Processing and Quality Evaluation of a Boat-Based Mobile Laser Scanning System
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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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SENSORS, Volume 13, issue 9
Mobile mapping systems (MMSs) are used for mapping topographic and urban features which are difficult and time consuming to measure with other instruments. The benefits of MMSs include efficient data collection and versatile usability. This paper investigates the data processing steps and quality of a boat-based mobile mapping system (BoMMS) data for generating terrain and vegetation points in a river environment. Our aim in data processing was to filter noise points, detect shorelines as well as points below water surface and conduct ground point classification. Previous studies of BoMMS have investigated elevation accuracies and usability in detection of fluvial erosion and deposition areas. The new findings concerning BoMMS data are that the improved data processing approach allows for identification of multipath reflections and shoreline delineation. We demonstrate the possibility to measure bathymetry data in shallow (0–1 m) and clear water. Furthermore, we evaluate for the first time the accuracy of the BoMMS ground points classification compared to manually classified data. We also demonstrate the spatial variations of the ground point density and assess elevation and vertical accuracies of the BoMMS data.Description
VK: T20508
data processing, digital elevation model, filtering, fluvial geomorphology, ground point classification, mobile laser scanning, river survey
Other note
Vaaja, M, Kukko, A, Kaartinen, H, Kurkela, M, Kasvi, E, Flener, C, Hyyppä, H, Hyyppä, J, Järvelä, J & Alho, P 2013, ' Data Processing and Quality Evaluation of a Boat-Based Mobile Laser Scanning System ', Sensors, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 12497-12515 .