Determining factors contributing to software adoption on a personal level: testing TAM and UTAUT and a new combined model based on the two models
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School of Business |
Master's thesis
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Degree programme
Information and Service Management (ISM)
This study uses UTAUT and TAM and a combined model based on them to test, which factors contribute to the adoption of a new software on an employee’s personal level. The data is gathered in a company-wide survey that uses a 7-point Likert scale. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares is applied to the data to find out the causalities between the constructs and to test how well UTAUT and TAM perform. The combined model is created to test how well the two models perform together and whether there are new causalities between the variables. Based on the results, the models partially succeeded to find significant relations between constructs. All the relations in TAM were found significant, whereas half of the relations in UTAUT were not found to be significant. The majority of the relations presented in the combined model we found significant. This study suggests that UTAUT and TAM can be used to assess the adoption process of a new technology, but using new variables and different frameworks would be in the benefit of the field of technology adoption research.Description
Thesis advisor
Tuunainen, VirpiKeywords
technology adoption, innovation adoption, software adoption, TAM, UTAUT