Experimental Investigation of Pyrometallurgical Treatment of Zinc Residue
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Extraction 2018, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series
Iron containing leach residues like jarosite and goethite from electrolytic zinc production contain many valuable metals and harmful substances. These metals and substances should be removed in order to obtain an acceptable, stable and reusable product, and maximize economic feasibility as well as minimize environmental footprint. In this work, the processing of jarosite leach residue was studied in laboratory scale experiments under oxidizing and reducing conditions at high temperatures. First, the pretreated material was melted and oxidized to produce a melt of metal oxides. Second, the oxide melt was reduced in CO –CO2 atmosphere. Target after the reduction step was to obtain a clean slag and a liquid metal or speiss phase that collects the valuable metals , such as silver . The kinetics of the thermal processing were studied for determining optimal times and conditions for the aforementioned process steps. The preliminary results show that the process is thermodynamically feasible, and the desired phases can be obtained in the experimental conditions investigated.Description
Jarosite smelting ⋅ Thermal processing ⋅ Circular economy Slag valorization
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Rämä, M, Jokilaakso, A, Klemettinen, L, Salminen, J & Taskinen, P 2018, Experimental Investigation of Pyrometallurgical Treatment of Zinc Residue . in B Davis, M Moats & S Wang (eds), Extraction 2018 : Proceedings of the First Global Conference on Extractive Metallurgy . The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, Springer, Warrendale, pp. 981-992, Global Conference on Extractive Metallurgy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 26/08/2018 . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95022-8_79