Nanotheranostics to target antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Strategies and applications
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OpenNano, Volume 11
Various health agencies, such as the European Medical Agency (EMA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and World Health Organization (WHO), timely cited the upsurge of antibiotic resistance as a severe threat to the public health and global economy. Importantly, there is a rise in nosocomial infections among covid-19 patients and in-hospitalized patients with the delineating disorder. Most of nosocomial infections are related to the bacteria residing in biofilm, which are commonly formed on material surfaces. In biofilms, microcolonies of various bacteria live in syntropy; therefore, their infections require a higher antibiotic dosage or cocktail of broad-spectrum antibiotics, aggravating the severity of antibiotic resistance. Notably, the lack of intrinsic antibacterial properties in commercial-grade materials desires to develop newer functionalized materials to prevent biofilm formation on their surfaces. To devise newer strategies, materials prepared at the nanoscale demonstrated reasonable antibacterial properties or enhanced the activity of antimicrobial agents (that are encapsulated/chemically functionalized onto the material surface). In this manuscript, we compiled such nanosized materials, specifying their role in targeting specific strains of bacteria. We also enlisted the examples of nanomaterials, nanodevice, nanomachines, nano-camouflaging, and nano-antibiotics for bactericidal activity and their possible clinical implications.Description
Funding Information: The authors acknowledge respective departments and institutions for providing facilities and support. The author would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at Majmaah University for supporting this work. We would like to acknowledge BioRender ( for the illustrations. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s)
Antibacterial, Antibiotic drug resistance, Nano-antibiotics, Nano-device, Nano-materials, Nano-robots, Nano-sized materials
Other note
Bhattacharjee, R, Negi, A, Bhattacharya, B, Dey, T, Mitra, P, Preetam, S, Kumar, L, Kar, S, Das, S S, Iqbal, D, Kamal, M, Alghofaili, F, Malik, S, Dey, A, Jha, S K, Ojha, S, Paiva-Santos, A C, Kesari, K K & Jha, N K 2023, ' Nanotheranostics to target antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Strategies and applications ', OpenNano, vol. 11, 100138 .