Reverse - a search for added value with reversible clothing
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School of Arts, Design and Architecture |
Bachelor's thesis
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Degree programme
65 + 13
My Bachelor’s thesis is composed of two parts supporting each other with the intention of forming together a sustainable concept for a reversible clothing collection. The work includes a written part and a productive part, both of which will search for solutions that can be made during the design and production process by the designer. The written part examines how the fast turnaround in fashion influences consumers’ mindset towards clothing and self image. The short fashion cycle has caused a constant crave for a change in our society, resulting in increased consumption habits, and therefore environmental damage. The goal is to offer consumers a sustainable product by giving them the option of change they crave, but with less physical items. The productive part tests possibilities in textile and clothing design that could utilize double faced fabrics in order to reach these goals. The style and production methods are challenged by only having one layer of fabric, contrary to traditional reversible garments constructed with two layers. The collections visual purpose is to show an intense change without sacrificing visual intriguement or a certain style, despite producing it with less material. Cost and labor efficiency will also be considered during the design and production process, by aiming at decreasing material waste and increasing production speed, therefore giving more value for both consumer and producer. Different techniques in textile design, in tailoring and sewing are tested for suitability in reversible clothing. The end result is a collection of three outfits consisting of five reversible garments, making it have six different looks and even more possible combinations. To conclude, the final collection is assessed by referring to the goals set by the concept. The visual change between the two sides in the collection shows potential of added value for the consumer. The collection works therefore well for the concept, by reaching the goal of offering change with decreased material consumption. Future developments are also discussed and how this collection developed me as a designer. All the results are seen, however, as developing thoughts for possible future projects.Description
Hilkka-Maija Fagerlund, Hilkka-Maija FagerlundThesis advisor
Leppisaari, Anna-MariKeywords
textile design, reversible, clothing, sustainability