Real-time identification of LCL filters employed with grid converters
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IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
This article presents a real-time identification method for LCL filters used with three-phase grid converters. The method can be applied to identify both the inductance and capacitance values of the filter and the series resistance seen by the converter. As a side-product, an estimate of the grid inductance seen from the point of connection is also obtained. A wideband excitation signal is added to the converter voltage reference. During the excitation, converter current and converter voltage reference samples are used for identification. The samples are preprocessed in real time by removing dc biases and significant grid-frequency harmonics. Parameters of two discrete-Time models are estimated at each sampling instant with a recursive estimation algorithm. Depending on the estimated model, the model parameter estimates are translated to either the resistance or the inductance and capacitance values of the system. The method can be embedded to a control system of pulsewidth-modulation-based converters in a plug-in manner. Only the dc-link voltage and converter currents need to be measured. Simulation and experimental results are presented for a 12.5-kVA grid converter system to evaluate the proposed method.Description
Grid converter, LCL filter, Real-time identification, Recursive parameter estimation
Other note
Pirsto, V, Kukkola, J, Rahman, F M M & Hinkkanen, M 2020, ' Real-time identification of LCL filters employed with grid converters ', IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 5, 9121739, pp. 5158-5169 .