A Model for Pyrolysis and Oxidation of Two Common Structural Timbers
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Proceedings of the I Forum Wood Building Baltic, 2019
The reduced cross section method for the calculation of timber structures’ fire resistance is based on empirical and numerical assessment of charring propagation. The current work aims to construct a model for the pyrolysis and oxidation of spruce and pine woods to allow coupled simulations of cross section reduction and burning rate in fire models. A pyrolysis model for these woods is formulated based on thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and supported by heat of pyrolysis and heat of combustion measurements by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and microscale combustion calorimetry (MCC), respectively. The results from small scale measurements (TGA, DSC and MCC) are consistent with each other. Therefore, heat of pyrolysis and heat of combustion was determined for the wood primary components by fitting a simulation into these experimental results. As a future work, cone calorimeter experiments are performed to optimize material properties and validate the model, and necessity of introducing an oxidation model is examined.Description
The Conference Proceedings listed in this entry contains only a short version of the article. The full version may be found at the enclosed web page.
Charring, Pine wood, Pyrolysis modelling, Spruce wood
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Rinta-Paavola, A & Hostikka, S 2019, A Model for Pyrolysis and Oxidation of Two Common Structural Timbers . in T Kalamees, A Just, M Semjonov, A Teder & M Deemant (eds), Proceedings of the I Forum Wood Building Baltic, 2019 . Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Forum Wood Building Baltic, Tallinn, Estonia, 27/02/2019 . < https://www.ttu.ee/public/k/Konverentsikeskus/A_Model_for_Pyrolysis_and_Oxidation_of_Two_Common_Structural_Timbers.pdf >