RILEM interlaboratory study on the mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures modified with polyethylene waste

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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
Department of Civil Engineering
Degree programme
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 375
This research aims to determine if the observed improvements using polyethylene (PE) waste in asphalt binder translate into better performance at the asphalt mixture scale in the laboratory environment while overcoming the stability and homogeneity issues experienced at the binder level. This is accomplished through a round-robin multinational experimental program covering four continents, with the active participation of eleven laboratories within the RILEM TC 279-WMR. PE modified AC16 mixtures were prepared employing the dry process using local materials with the PE waste provided by one source. Various mechanical tests were performed to investigate the compactability, strength, moisture sensitivity, stiffness and permanent deformation. Compared to the control mixtures, the following observations were made for PE modified mixtures: easier to compact, lower time dependence of stiffness, higher elastic behavior, lower creep rate, and higher creep modulus. Furthermore, cyclic compression test results showed that the resistance to permanent deformation is improved when using PE in asphalt mixtures, whereas the wheel tracking tests showed relatively similar or better results when 1.5% PE was added to the control mixture. The wheel tracking test results in water showed an increase in deformation with increasing PE content. The interlaboratory investigation showed that the use of PE as a performance-enhancing additive in asphalt pavements is a viable, environmentally friendly option for recycling waste plastic and could potentially reduce the use of polymer additives in asphalt.
Funding Information: The Swiss company Innoplastics is acknowledged for providing the waste plastics. Empais participation is supported by Swiss National Science Foundation grant SNF 205121_178991/1 for the project titled “Urban Mining for Low Noise Urban Roads and Optimized Design of Street Canyons”. The participation of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, is supported by the Ministry of Education , Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under research project No. 2000092 . Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors
Asphalt mixture, Mechanical properties, Polyethylene waste, Recycling, Round robin, Secondary materials
Other note
Poulikakos, L D, Pasquini, E, Tusar, M, Hernando, D, Wang, D, Mikhailenko, P, Pasetto, M, Baliello, A, Cannone Falchetto, A, Miljković, M, Orešković, M, Viscione, N, Saboo, N, Orozco, G, Lachance-Tremblay, É, Vaillancourt, M, Kakar, M R, Bueche, N, Stoop, J, Wouters, L, Dalmazzo, D, Pinheiro, G, Vasconcelos, K & Moreno Navarro, F 2022, ' RILEM interlaboratory study on the mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures modified with polyethylene waste ', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 375, 134124 .