Elements of installed base information value
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Installed base information (IBI) is used in industrial service operations, but currently there are challenges with maintaining and utilizing this information to its full potential. The purpose of this paper is to aid in improving the realized value of IBI. We conducted two case studies of IBI collection and utilization with two industrial product-service system suppliers. From this material, we identified four elements contributing to the value of IBI and constructed a framework for managing this value. Furthermore, we identified the sources of the difference between the potential value and the realized value of IBI. The elements contributing to the value of IBI are its management, scope, utilization and quality. These elements form interconnected leaves in the proposed value clover framework. Each element potentially contributes to the difference between the theoretical maximum value and the realized value of IBI. Future research should look into the different elements and their relationships in more detail.Our framework helps managers in identifying and balancing the different elements of IBI value and in deciding on investments in this area. Previous literature has recognized the need for IBI, but not analyzed the different elements affecting its value. Our research offers industrial service operations a novel framework of IBI value.Description
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Mahlamäki , K , Borgman , J , Rämänen , J , Tuovinen , J , Finne , M , Perminova-Harikoski , O , Tiihonen , J & Öhman , M 2016 , ' Elements of installed base information value ' , Paper presented at IEEE International Technology Management Conference , Trondheim , Norway , 13/06/2016 - 15/06/2016 .