Improving Energy Efficiency in Hybrid Energy Storage System Through Topological Approach
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Master's thesis
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Control, Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Degree programme
AEE - Master’s Programme in Automation and Electrical Engineering (TS2013)
This thesis focuses on improving the energy efficiency of a battery-supercapacitor (SC) combination Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) by proposing a change to its topology. More specifically, it aims to reduce the number of conversion steps by proposing the integration of an additional DC-DC converter placed between the two storage sources. The objectives of the study are to demonstrate the improved efficiency of the proposed topology compared to the original and to quantify this efficiency improvement while considering both the potential benefits and the challenges that may arise from the implementation of this modification. The thesis begins with a literature review, discussing relevant components and concepts to HESS. The methodology entails a comparative analysis of the two topologies through simulations. The simulation environment was set up to maintain consistency across all simulation instances, ensuring factors such as control strategy and component efficiency are not influential. This was necessary to ensure a fair comparison where any recorded performance differences could be directly attributed to the topological changes. The results show that the proposed topological change increased the system efficiency by a noticeable amount. Under controlled conditions, the proposed topology showed an average of 30.75% increase across individual stages and a 14.50% increase across the system as a whole. The study further discusses the practicality of the proposal regarding system size, associated costs, and environmental impacts. It concludes that the proposed topology would be most beneficial for large-scale systems where even a small increase in efficiency translates to significant energy savings. Overall, this thesis contributes to a sustainable energy future by proposing a cleaner and more effective energy integration to the grid.Description
Pouresmaeil, EdrisThesis advisor
Pouresmaeil, EdrisKeywords
hybrid energy storage system, DC-DC converter, efficiency, simulink, supercapacitor, battery