Enhancing Optomechanical Coupling via the Josephson Effect
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© 2014 American Physical Society (APS). This is the accepted version of the following article: Heikkilä, T. T. & Massel, F. & Tuorila, J. & Khan, R. & Sillanpää, Mika A. 2014. Enhancing Optomechanical Coupling via the Josephson Effect. Physical Review Letters. Volume 112, Issue 20. 203603/1-6. ISSN 0031-9007 (printed). DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.112.20360, which has been published in final form at http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.203603.
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Physical Review Letters, Volume 112, Issue 20
Cavity optomechanics is showing promise for studying quantum mechanics in large systems. However, the smallness of the radiation-pressure coupling is a serious hindrance. Here we show how the charge tuning of the Josephson inductance in a single-Cooper-pair transistor can be exploited to arrange a strong radiation-pressure-type coupling g0 between mechanical and microwave resonators. In a certain limit of parameters, such a coupling can also be seen as a qubit-mediated coupling of two resonators. We show that this scheme allows reaching extremely high g0. Contrary to the recent proposals for exploiting the nonlinearity of a large radiation-pressure coupling, the main nonlinearity in this setup originates from a cross-Kerr type of coupling between the resonators, where the cavity refractive index depends on the phonon number. The presence of this coupling will allow accessing the individual phonon numbers via the measurement of the cavity.Description
cavity optomechanical systems, Josephson effect, vibrations, electromagnetic fields, micromechanical resonators
Other note
Heikkilä, T. T. & Massel, F. & Tuorila, J. & Khan, R. & Sillanpää, Mika A. 2014. Enhancing Optomechanical Coupling via the Josephson Effect. Physical Review Letters. Volume 112, Issue 20. 203603/1-6. ISSN 0031-9007 (printed). DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.112.203603.