Effect of crystal structure on the Young's modulus of GaP nanowires
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Nanotechnology, Volume 32, issue 38
Young's modulus of tapered mixed composition (zinc-blende with a high density of twins and wurtzite with a high density of stacking faults) gallium phosphide (GaP) nanowires (NWs) was investigated by atomic force microscopy. Experimental measurements were performed by obtaining bending profiles of as-grown inclined GaP NWs deformed by applying a constant force to a series of NW surface locations at various distances from the NW/substrate interface. Numerical modeling of experimental data on bending profiles was done by applying Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. Measurements of the nano-local stiffness at different distances from the NW/substrate interface revealed NWs with a non-ideal mechanical fixation at the NW/substrate interface. Analysis of the NWs with ideally fixed base resulted in experimentally measured Young's modulus of 155 +/- 20 GPa for ZB NWs, and 157 +/- 20 GPa for WZ NWs, respectively, which are in consistence with a theoretically predicted bulk value of 167 GPa. Thus, impacts of the crystal structure (WZ/ZB) and crystal defects on Young's modulus of GaP NWs were found to be negligible.Description
GaP, nanowire, atomic force microscopy, WZ, ZB, Young's modulus, bending, III-V NANOWIRES, MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES, GAAS NANOWIRES, WURTZITE, RESONANCE, STRESS, CELL
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Alekseev, P A, Borodin, B R, Geydt, P, Khayrudinov, V, Bespalova, K, Kirilenko, D A, Reznik, R R, Nashchekin, A, Haggren, T, Lahderanta, E, Cirlin, G E, Lipsanen, H & Dunaevskiy, M S 2021, ' Effect of crystal structure on the Young's modulus of GaP nanowires ', Nanotechnology, vol. 32, no. 38, 385706 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ac0ac7