A Review on Additive Manufacturing Possibilities for Electrical Machines
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Energies, Volume 14, issue 7
This paper presents current research trends and prospects of utilizing additive manufacturing (AM) techniques to manufacture electrical machines. Modern-day machine applications require extraordinary performance parameters such as high power-density, integrated functionalities, improved thermal, mechanical & electromagnetic properties. AM offers a higher degree of design flexibility to achieve these performance parameters, which is impossible to realize through conventional manufacturing techniques. AM has a lot to offer in every aspect of machine fabrication, such that from size/weight reduction to the realization of complex geometric designs. However, some practical limitations of existing AM techniques restrict their utilization in large scale production industry. The introduction of three-dimensional asymmetry in machine design is an aspect that can be exploited most with the prevalent level of research in AM. In order to take one step further towards the enablement of large-scale production of AM-built electrical machines, this paper also discusses some machine types which can best utilize existing developments in the field of AM.Description
additive manufacturing, conventional electrical machines, non-conventional electrical machines, a-symmetry in machines, metal 3D-printing, future electrical machines, electrical machine design
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Naseer, M U, Kallaste, A, Asad, B, Vaimann, T & Rassõlkin, A 2021, ' A Review on Additive Manufacturing Possibilities for Electrical Machines ', Energies, vol. 14, no. 7, 1940 . https://doi.org/10.3390/en14071940