“XXX Xanax edition” raising awareness towards mental health issues through performative artwork and AR art installation

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorCorreia, Nuno
dc.contributor.authorVarm, Taavi
dc.contributor.schoolTaiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulufi
dc.contributor.schoolSchool of Arts, Design and Architectureen
dc.contributor.supervisorNiinimäki, Matti
dc.description.abstractThis thesis examines the creative process from the perspective of a depressed artist who tries to create an artwork that exposes his struggles with mental health. The aim is to raise awareness regarding depression and panic attacks. Specifically, these issues will be explored in the artistic fields of performing arts and Augmented Reality (AR), using mobile technology. The motivation for this topic is from a personal battle with depression over the past decade. Thus, the thesis talks about intimate and sensitive topics in an open manner. Depression is a severe and common mood disorder. Depressive disorder is becoming so common that one in five people show symptoms of depression at some point in their lives. World Health Organisation ranked major depression as the third burden of disease worldwide and predicts it will rank first by 2030. Individuals diagnosed with depression experience persistent feelings of sadness or lack of interest in interacting with the world around them. Technology can assist in raising awareness towards depression and related mental health issues. Specifically, mobile technology-enhanced performing arts and AR-based art installation are used in this thesis as mediums towards that awareness. The thesis documents two stages of the creative process of making "XXX Xanax Edition." Both stages derive from the same initial idea and the artist's personal journey. In addition, the thesis discusses how design decisions support the creative goals and embrace failures experienced as lessons during the creative process. Stage one consisted of a performing arts piece using mobile technology. In stage two, an AR mobile app was developed and deployed as an art installation. The outcomes of this thesis are a work in progress performance and an AR art installation called "AVAR Xanax Edition".The performance was presented as as work in progress at the International visual theatre festival NuQ Treff. The installation is location-specific AR mobile application, and it is intended that part of the experience is moderate physical exercise in the form of walking.en
dc.programmeMaster's Programme in New Mediafi
dc.subject.keywordcreative processen
dc.subject.keywordaugmented realityen
dc.subject.keywordmobile technologyen
dc.subject.keywordunity 3Den
dc.title“XXX Xanax edition” raising awareness towards mental health issues through performative artwork and AR art installationen
dc.typeG2 Pro gradu, diplomityöfi
dc.type.ontasotMaster's thesisen
dc.type.ontasotMaisterin opinnäytefi


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