FutureSelf: Reflections on a Personal Future Simulation System

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorTikka, Heidi
dc.contributor.advisorDiaz, Lily
dc.contributor.authorKoponen, Jarno
dc.contributor.departmentMedia Laben
dc.contributor.schoolTaiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulufi
dc.contributor.schoolSchool of Arts, Design and Architectureen
dc.contributor.supervisorBotero, Andrea
dc.description.abstractAn unprecedented amount of personal information is stored in the networked virtual environments. These digitized life patterns, consisting of the records of past and present, could be utilized by an intelligent future simulation system to produce unique personal future forecasts. Through such a system the images of future would become more concrete, more accessible, more informative and even entertaining. Consequently, such a system would potentially change the whole conception of the future and its dimensions. This study focuses on the interplay of physical and non-physical existence as it explores how the conceptions of virtuality, identity and time are combined in the practices of digital networked environments. Based on this analysis, I present the concept of FutureSelf, a personal future simulation service, that generates valid, informative and accessible personal future forecasts in the form of entertaining digital simulations. As a whole, the work is an artistically and theoretically orientated qualitative study combining methods and techniques of qualitative research and concept design. The insights and ideas deriving from diverse scientific discourses (media research, philosophy, design tradition, futures studies) are brought together to illuminate the emerging new possibilities and qualities of digital environments. The presented reflections are relevant for further analysis and development of the digital experiences and future simulations.en
dc.programmeUuden median maisteriohjelmafi
dc.subject.keywordFuture simulationen
dc.subject.keywordExperience Designen
dc.subject.keywordinteractive narrativeen
dc.subject.keywordvirtual futureen
dc.subject.keywordfuture forecasten
dc.subject.keywordidentity playen
dc.subject.keywordphilosophy of virtualityen
dc.subject.keywordservice designen
dc.subject.otherNew mediaen
dc.titleFutureSelf: Reflections on a Personal Future Simulation Systemen
dc.typeG2 Pro gradu, diplomityöfi
dc.type.ontasotMaster's thesisen
dc.type.ontasotMaisterin opinnäytefi


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