Advancing design criteria for energy and environmental performance of buildings

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorAiraksinen, Miimu, Dr., Finnish Association of Civil Engineers, Finland
dc.contributor.authorJung, Nusrat
dc.contributor.departmentKonetekniikan laitosfi
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Mechanical Engineeringen
dc.contributor.labEnergy technologyen
dc.contributor.schoolInsinööritieteiden korkeakoulufi
dc.contributor.schoolSchool of Engineeringen
dc.contributor.supervisorLahdelma, Risto, Prof., Aalto University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finland
dc.description.abstractGlobally, buildings are responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 40% of energy consumption. The European Union’s climate and energy policy framework for 2020 and 2030 requires reducing GHG emissions by 40%, increasing the level of energy savings by 25%, and increasing the share of renewable energy by at least 30% relative to 1990. The environmental and energy performance criteria for buildings will continually evolve to meet the aforementioned decarbonisation goals. Consequently, buildings will have an increased number of variables and alternatives that are to be evaluated for their performance, indicating increased complexity for building designers. The prospect of evaluating multiple building performance criteria necessitates integrated designing and planning tools, such as the use of Building Information Model (BIM), Building Performance Simulations (BPS), and methodologies for comparing and optimizing alternative design options. This dissertation presents new insights on advancing the design criteria for the energy and environmental performance of commercial and residential buildings. Specially, the four associated journal publications demonstrate how building designers and the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry can integrate embodied GHG analysis, comprehensive BIM tools in conjunction with BPS analyses, and stochastic assessment of public perceptions to work towards buildings that are more energy-efficient, generate energy on-site, and have a smaller carbon footprint. Through comprehensive literature reviews, this dissertation outlines future research directions for BIM-based, iterative multi-criteria assessment for energy and environmental performance of buildings.en
dc.format.extent53 + app. 102
dc.identifier.isbn978-952-60-8109-0 (Aalto, electronic)
dc.identifier.isbn978-952-60-8108-3 (Aalto, printed)
dc.identifier.isbn978-951-38-8659-2 (VTT, electronic)
dc.identifier.isbn978-951-38-8660-8 (VTT, printed)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4942 (Aalto, electronic)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4934 (Aalto, printed)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4934 (Aalto, ISSN-L)
dc.identifier.issn2242-1203 (VTT, electronic)
dc.identifier.issn2242-119X (VTT, printed)
dc.opnKähkönen, Kalle, Prof., Tampere University of Technology, Finland
dc.publisherAalto Universityen
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 1]: Nusrat Jung, Tarja Häkkinen, Mirkka Rekola. Extending Capabilities of BIM to Support Performance Based Design. Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), Volume 23, Pages 16-52, 2018b.
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 2]: Tarja Häkkinen, Matti Kuittinen, Antti Ruuska, Nusrat Jung. Reducing Embodied Carbon during the Design Process of Buildings. Journal of Building Engineering. Elsevier B.V., Volume 4, Pages 1-13, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2015.06.005
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 3]: Nusrat Jung, Satu Paiho, Jari Shemeikka, Risto Lahdelma, Miimu Airaksinen. Energy Performance Analysis of an Office Building in Three Climate Zones. Energy and Buildings. Elsevier B.V., Volume 158, Pages 1023-1035, 2018 a. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.10.030
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 4]: Nusrat Jung, Munjur E. Moula, Tingting Fang, Mohamed Hamdy, Risto Lahdelma. Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Technologies for Buildings in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area of Finland. Renewable Energy. Elsevier B.V., Volume 99, Pages 813-824, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2016.07.006
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONSen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVTT Scienceen
dc.revPomponi, Francesco, Dr., Edinburgh Napier University, UK
dc.revFirth, Steven, Dr., Loughborough University, UK
dc.subject.keywordenergy performanceen
dc.subject.keywordbuilding performance simulationen
dc.subject.keywordnnvironmental performanceen
dc.subject.keywordembodied GHGen
dc.subject.keywordrenewable energy technologiesen
dc.subject.keywordsocial acceptanceen
dc.subject.otherEnvironmental scienceen
dc.titleAdvancing design criteria for energy and environmental performance of buildingsen
dc.typeG5 Artikkeliväitöskirjafi
dc.type.ontasotDoctoral dissertation (article-based)en
dc.type.ontasotVäitöskirja (artikkeli)fi


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