Multifunctional coatings for plant-based textiles and other cellulosic substrates

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School of Chemical Technology | Doctoral thesis (article-based) | Defence date: 2020-04-24
Degree programme
68 + app. 170
Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 56/2020
Many materials and surface treatments used today are based on unsustainable fossil-fuel derived synthetic polymers. Cellulose, a raw material from nature, has the potential to be used in many applications, but its widespread application is hampered by its inherent hydrophilic properties. In this work, wax particles are used together with polycations to render cellulosic surfaces hydrophobic yet breathable using the layer-by-layer method. Already two bilayers gave good hydrophobicity, which could be enhanced by optimizing the polycation adsorption, the curing temperature and surface roughness of the substrate. The adsorption and layer properties were studied by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation and atomic force microscopy, the effect of curing temperature was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, water contact angle and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and the surface roughness was studied by white light interferometer. The coatings were studied on thin films, free-standing cellulose nanofibril films, textiles and all-cellulosic composites. Large-scale fabrics could also be coated. Cooling properties could be added by functional pigments, and dehydroabietanes were studied as contact-active, biocompatibile antimicrobial agents. The results showed that only a small amount of the dehydroabietanes needed to be on the surface to introduce good antimicrobial properties, and the hydrophobicity was increased at the same time. The various surface modifications could enhance the properties of cellulosic materials consequently increasing the use of natural and non-toxic materials in various applications.

Många material och ytbehandlingar som används idag är baserade på ekologiskt ohållbara syntetiska polymerer från fossila bränslen. Cellulosa, en råvara från naturen, har potential att användas i många tillämpningar, men dess utbredda användning är hindrad av dess inneboende hydrofila egenskaper. I detta arbete används vaxpartiklar tillsammans med polykatjoner för att framställa hydrofoba men andande cellulosaytor genom att använda multiskiktmetoden. Redan två dubbellager gav bra hydrofobitet, som kunde förstärkas genom att optimera adsorbtionen av polykatjonen, härdningstemperaturen och substratets ytråhet. Adsorptionen och skiktegenskaperna studerades med kvartskristall-mikrovåg med dissipation och atomkraftsmikroskopi, härdningstemperaturens effekt utvärderades med svepelektronmikroskop, vattenkontaktvinkel och röntgenfotoelektronspektroskopi, och ytråheten studerades med vit-ljusinterferometer. Ytbeläggningarna studerades på tunna filmer, fristående filmer av nanocellulosa, textiler och kompositer bestående av cellulosafibrer och upplöst cellulosa. Tyger i större skala kunde också ytbeläggas. Kylande egenskaper kunde inkluderas med funktionella pigment, och dehydroabietaner studerades som kontaktaktiva, biokompatibla antimikrobiella substanser. Resultaten visade att endast en liten mängd dehydroabietaner behövdes på ytan för att ge den goda antimikrobiella egenskaper, och samtidigt ökade hydrofobiteten. De olika ytmodifikationerna kan förbättra cellulosamaterials egenskaper och samtidigt öka använd-ningen av naturliga och ogiftiga material i olika tillämpningar.
The public defense on 24th April 2020 at 12:00 will be organized via remote technology. Link: Zoom Quick Guide:
Supervising professor
Österberg, Monika, Prof., Aalto Univeristy, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, Finland
Thesis advisor
Moreira, Vânia M., Dr., University of Coimbra, Portugal and University of Strathclyde, UK
surface modification, cellulose, textile, hydrophobic, breathable, antimicrobial
Other note
  • [Publication 1]: Forsman, N; Lozhechnikova A; Khakalo, A; Johansson, L-S; Vartiainen J; Österberg, M. Layer-by-layer assembled hydrophobic coatings for cellulose nanofibril films and textiles, made of polylysine and natural wax particles. Carbohydr. Polym. 173, 392–402, 2017.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2017.06.007 View at publisher
  • [Publication 2]: Forsman, N; Johansson, L-S; Koivula, Hanna; Tuure, M; Kääriäinen, P; Österberg, M. Open coating with natural wax particles enables scalable, non- toxic hydrophobation of cellulose-based textiles. Carbohydr. Polym. 227, 115363, 2020.
    Full text in Acris/Aaltodoc:
    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.115363 View at publisher
  • [Publication 3]: Korhonen, O; Forsman, N; Österberg, M; Budtova, T. Eco-friendly surface hydrophobization of all-cellulose composites using layer-by-layer deposition. Accepted by Express Polymer Letters.
  • [Publication 4]: Hassan, G; Forsman, N; Wan, X; Keurulainen, L; Bimbo, L.M; Johansson, L-S; Sipari, N; Yli-Kauhaluoma, J; Zimmermann, R; Stehl, S; Werner, C; Saris, P; Österberg, M; Moreira, V.M. Dehydroabietylamine-based Cellulose Nanofibril Films: A new Class of Sustainable Biomaterials for Highly Efficient, Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Effects. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2019, 7: 5002- 5009.
    Full text in Acris/Aaltodoc:
    DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05658 View at publisher
  • [Publication 5]: Hassan, G; Forsman, N; Wan, X; Keurulainen, L; Bimbo, L.M; Stehl, S; van Charante, F; Chrubasik, M; Prakash, A; Johansson, L-S; Mullen, D.C; Johnston, B; Zimmermann, R; Werner, C; Yli-Kauhaluoma, J; Coenye, T; Saris, P; Österberg, M; Moreira, V.M. Non-leaching, biocompatible abietane- nanocellulose surfaces that efficiently resist fouling by bacteria in the artificial dermis model. Submitted to ACS Applied Bio Materials.