Automated testing pyramid for microservices in practice

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorDi Francesco, Mario
dc.contributor.authorBogdanova, Sofia
dc.contributor.schoolPerustieteiden korkeakoulufi
dc.contributor.supervisorDi Francesco, Mario
dc.description.abstractMicroservices are an architectural pattern that aims to improve software scalability and autonomy through leveraging low coupling and high cohesion of the system components. This approach is currently gaining attention from both industry and academia, and one of the most discussed aspects is the automated testing of the microservices. Previous works reveal that traditional approaches, such as automated testing pyramid model, are not always suitable for the microservice solutions and need to be adjusted. However, there is still no consensus on what testing strategies companies should adopt. Moreover, there is little understanding of how well the proposed solutions fit the distributed nature of the microservices and the industry requirements. This study investigates the compliance of the industry testing practices in the microservice architecture with the theoretical model of the automated functional testing. The thesis approaches the problem with an exploratory case study that comprises a quantitative research of the testing practicalities in the real microservice application. Furthermore, it uses incident report system to study the correlation between the system quality and the test structure used in the service. Additionally, it investigates the influence of the team practicalities on the adherence to the testing theoretical guidelines. The results of the research present automated testing trends identified in a real microservice-based application, as well as the correlation between those and the quality of the system in terms of user experience. Finally, the outcomes provide some insights into the impact of the team on the adherence to the theoretical model.en
dc.programmeMaster’s Programme in Security and Cloud Computing (SECCLO)fi
dc.programme.majorSecurity and Cloud Computingfi
dc.subject.keywordcase studyen
dc.subject.keywordsoftware architectureen
dc.subject.keywordautomated testingen
dc.subject.keywordtesting practicesen
dc.titleAutomated testing pyramid for microservices in practiceen
dc.typeG2 Pro gradu, diplomityöfi
dc.type.ontasotMaster's thesisen
