A Digitalized Property Formation Process?: Comparative study of legal qualifications in Finland and Sweden

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Methods and Concepts of Land Management: Diversity, Changes and New Approaches
Digitalization and automation of different elements of the land development process are frequent and highlighted phenomena in both Finland and Sweden. Several projects focus on standardization of spatial data, electronic transactions of real property, physical plans in digital format, etc. The focus of most projects is on technical and organizational aspects of these potential developments. Legal features do occur, but are mostly devoted to protection of personal data and privacy. The emphasis in this study is on legal structures and relationships in real property law, applicable in property formation processes. The objective is to compare the legal system for property formation in Finland and Sweden concerning potentials and obstructions for digi-talization and automation of the legal process for examination and adjudication. Apart from some minor obstacles, the findings indicate that the Swedish legal system for property for-mation, to a larger degree, suffers from a complex interconnection between the legislation on real property formation and the public regulation of permitted land uses. This intercon-nection is not present in all processes in the Finnish system, which will simplify the road towards digitalization of the property formation process in Finland.
digitalization, property formation, land use regulation, real property law
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Ekbäck , P & Riekkinen , K 2020 , A Digitalized Property Formation Process?: Comparative study of legal qualifications in Finland and Sweden . in E Hepperle , J Paulsson , V Maliene , R Mansberger , A Auzins & J Valciukiene (eds) , Methods and Concepts of Land Management: Diversity, Changes and New Approaches . vdf Hochschulverlag AG , pp. 73-91 . https://doi.org/10.3218/4027-2