Controllable Growth of Graphene Photonic Crystal Fibers with Tunable Optical Nonlinearity

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.authorCheng, Yi
dc.contributor.authorYu, Wentao
dc.contributor.authorXie, Jin
dc.contributor.authorWang, Ruoyu
dc.contributor.authorCui, Guang
dc.contributor.authorCheng, Xu
dc.contributor.authorLi, Mengwen
dc.contributor.authorWang, Kun
dc.contributor.authorLi, Junliang
dc.contributor.authorSun, Zhipei
dc.contributor.authorChen, Ke
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Kaihui
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Zhongfan
dc.contributor.departmentPeking University
dc.contributor.departmentBeijing Graphene Institute
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Electronics and Nanoengineering
dc.contributor.departmentHenan University
dc.descriptionFunding Information: This work was supported by the Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences (BNLMS- CXTD-202001), Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission (Z181100004818003, Z201100008720006, and Z191100000819003), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52025023, 51991342, 52021006, and 11888101), the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB33000000), the Key R&D Program of Guangdong Province (2020B010189001, 2019B010931001, and 2018B030327001), Pearl River Talent Recruitment Program of Guangdong Province (2019ZT08C321), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (JQ19004), Zhongyuan Thousand Talents Program of Henan Province, and National Top-notch Young Talents of Ten Thousand Talents Program. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 American Chemical Society.
dc.description.abstractThe graphene photonic crystal fiber (Gr-PCF), with graphene coated onto the inner hole walls of the fiber, has shown its superiority in various photonic and optoelectronic applications ranging from electro-optic modulators to environmental sensors. However, these applications mainly utilize the linear optical properties of graphene, and its potentials in the nonlinear optical regime are still waiting to be explored. As for the nonlinear applications, the structure and property of Gr-PCF must be precisely manipulated for the tradeoff between nonlinear enhancement and linear absorption loss of graphene. Here, we propose a pressure-controllable chemical vapor deposition strategy to precisely control the uniform fiber length and graphene thickness, realizing the strong and tunable optical nonlinearity of Gr-PCF with acceptable optical loss. Based on the as-fabricated fiber, the nonlinear harmonic generations exhibit nearly one order of magnitude enhancement compared with those of graphene on planar quartz. Moreover, an ultrafast all-fiber laser employing the nonlinear Gr-PCF as a saturable absorber is demonstrated with ∼8 mW output power, ∼2 ps pulse width, and ∼37 MHz repetition frequency. Our results can technically open up an infusive way to precisely engineer the nonlinear properties of graphene optical fibers and broaden their applications in all-fiber photonic and optoelectronic devices.en
dc.description.versionPeer revieweden
dc.identifier.citationCheng , Y , Yu , W , Xie , J , Wang , R , Cui , G , Cheng , X , Li , M , Wang , K , Li , J , Sun , Z , Chen , K , Liu , K & Liu , Z 2021 , ' Controllable Growth of Graphene Photonic Crystal Fibers with Tunable Optical Nonlinearity ' , ACS Photonics , vol. 9 , no. 3 , pp. 961–968 .
dc.identifier.otherPURE UUID: 59b4077d-bc5b-479e-8c8d-078575f353c0
dc.identifier.otherPURE ITEMURL:
dc.identifier.otherPURE LINK:
dc.identifier.otherPURE FILEURL:
dc.publisherACS Publications
dc.relation.ispartofseriesACS Photonicsen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 9, issue 3en
dc.subject.keywordall-fiber laser
dc.subject.keywordnonlinear harmonic generation
dc.subject.keywordoptical fiber
dc.subject.keywordpressure-controllable chemical vapor deposition
dc.titleControllable Growth of Graphene Photonic Crystal Fibers with Tunable Optical Nonlinearityen
dc.typeA1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessäfi
