Multiwalled carbon nanotubes as single electron transistors
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AIP Conference Proceedings, 590
Single electron transistors (SET) are fabricated from multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) by manipulation with an atomic force microscope. The devices consist of either a single MWNT with Au contacts at the ends or of two crossing tubes. In the latter device, the lower nanotube acted as the central island of a single electron transistor while the upper one functioned as a gate electrode. Coulomb blockade oscillations were observed on the nanotube at low temperatures. The voltage noise of the nanotube-SET was gain dependent as in conventional SETs. The charge sensitivity at 10 Hz was 6x10 exp -4 e/√Hz. Furthermore, in another device where the MWNT is suspended above the substrate between the electrodes, we measure an extremely high charge sensitivity of 6x 10 exp -6 e/√Hz at 45 Hz, comparable to the best of the conventional SETs.Description
carbon nanotubes, single electron transistors, atomic force microscopes
Other note
Ahlskog, Markus & Tarkiainen, Reeta & Roschier, Leif & Paalanen, Mikko & Hakonen, Pertti J. 2001. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes as single electron transistors. AIP Conference Proceedings. 590. 141-144. ISBN 0-7354-0032-6 (printed). DOI: 10.1063/1.1420074.