Design of Low-Power Transmitter and Receiver Front End
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Master's thesis
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Micro and Nanoelectronic Circuit Design
Degree programme
NanoRad - Master’s Programme in Nano and Radio Sciences (TS2013)
This thesis focuses on the design of "RF front-end blocks" for the transmitter and receiver. The blocks include the low noise amplifier (LNA) and mixer downconversion at the receiving side, while the power amplifier includes the pre-driver circuit, and mixer up-conversion at the transmitter side. All of the blocks were designed in a 65nm design kit. The basics of these RF blocks are first described in chapters two to four. After that, the general principle of operations is then described and different topologies are discussed. In chapter 5 the proposed design is discussed. The proposed design is composed of a differential IDCS narrow band LNA, with a passive down-conversion mixer on the receiving side, designed for bluetooth low energy (BLE) applications, that operates at 2.4 GHz with a 1.2 V supply voltage. The overall conversion gain at the receiving side was found to be greater than 13 dB with a double side band noise figure of 8.3 dB having a 1 dB compression point of -11.8 dB, and with IIP3 of -2.06 dBm having a power consumption of 251 μwatts. On the transmission side, a power amplifier with a pre-driver circuit and a passive up-conversion mixer has been designed to operate at a 1.2 V supply at the frequency of operation 2.4 GHz, having overall gain of 24 dB with maximum power added efficiency of 34% when using maximum output power of 11 dBm. The Cadence virtuoso design kit was used for simulation. Additionally, the layout considerations were discussed, followed by presentation of the post-layout results and graphs, and, finally, some conclusions have been drawn.Description
Halonen, KariThesis advisor
Chouhan, Shailesh SinghKeywords
receiver, transmitter, LNA, power amplifier