Performance Analysis of RIS/STAR-IOS-Aided V2V NOMA/OMA Communications Over Composite Fading Channels
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Department of Information and Communications Engineering
Degree programme
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Volume 9, issue 1, pp. 279-286
In this article, we explore the communication performance of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) networks assisted by a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) and a simultaneous transmitting and reflecting intelligent omni-surface (STAR-IOS) under non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and orthogonal multiple access (OMA) schemes. In particular, we consider that the RIS is close to the transmitter vehicle while the STAR-IOS is near the receiver vehicles. In addition, it is assumed that the STAR-IOS exploits the energy-splitting (ES) protocol for communication and the fading channels between the RIS and STAR-IOS follow composite Fisher-Snedecor mathcal {F} distribution. Under such assumptions, we first use the central limit theorem (CLT) to derive the PDF and the CDF of equivalent channels at receiver vehicles, and then, we derive the closed-form expression of outage probability (OP) under NOMA/OMA scenarios. Additionally, by exploiting Jensen's inequality, we propose an upper bound of the ergodic capacity (EC) and subsequently develop an analytical expression of the energy efficiency (EE) for both NOMA and OMA cases. Further, our analytical results, which are double-checked with the Monte-Carlo simulation, reveal that applying RIS/STAR-RIS in V2V communications significantly enhances the communication performance of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Besides, the results indicate that considering the NOMA scheme provides better performance in terms of the OP, EC, and EE as compared with the OMA case for the considered V2V communication system.Description
Publisher Copyright: © 2016 IEEE.
energy efficiency, ergodic capacity, Fisher-Snedecor F fading, NOMA, outage probability, RIS, STAR-IOS, V2V communications
Other note
Ghadi, F R, Kaveh, M & Martin, D 2024, ' Performance Analysis of RIS/STAR-IOS-Aided V2V NOMA/OMA Communications Over Composite Fading Channels ', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 279-286 .