Nordic Cities Meet Artificial Intelligence
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C and T 2021 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Communities and Technologies
In this paper, we explore Finnish city officials' attitudes, knowledge and relationship towards the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in their cities through topical expert interviews. Our interviewees came from two metropolitan area cities, Helsinki and Espoo, which have taken an active role in attempting to utilize various novel technologies. Through these interviews, we identify and discuss key issues in the infusion of AI into cities. These interviewees were key players in their respective cities' response to the challenge and opportunity of novel technologies, including AI. As such, while our sampling is small, these interviewees are a good representation of the relevant individuals who hold sway over the thoughts, visions, ideas and challenges that are recognized in their respective organizations. We ask, how do these individuals understand AI and gauged through their views, how are these cities prepared for the increasing and continuous infusion of artificial intelligence technologies in these cities' agendas, practices and projects?.Description
Funding Information: We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to our interviewees, without whom this study would not have been possible, as well as our reviewers for their valuable insights. Dr. Luusua would also like to acknowledge the grant n:o 316136 from the Academy of Finland for the project Experiencing Artificial Intelligence in the Smart City (AICity). Dr. Ylipulli would like to acknowledge grant n:o 332143 from the Academy of Finland for the project Digital Inequality in Smart Cities (DISC). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 ACM.
artificial intelligence, Cities, city officials, city strategy, interview, urban computing, urban data
Other note
Luusua, A & Ylipulli, J 2021, Nordic Cities Meet Artificial Intelligence . in F Cech & S Farnham (eds), C and T 2021 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Communities and Technologies : Wicked Problems in the Age of Tech . ACM, pp. 51-60, International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Virtual, Online, United States, 21/06/2021 .