Recommendations for Acoustical Environments for Seniors and Persons with Memory Decline
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This article adds to the conversation on sensory design in architecture and interior design, with a focus on acoustics in living and care environments for seniors and persons with memory decline. The demographic growth of aging populations and increases in dementia and memory disorders poses challenges for supply and design of appropriate care and living environments. We discuss the importance of understanding the role of senses, hearing in particular, in design and ultimately resident experience, functionality and quality of life. We argue that sensory design, especially aural environments, is not adequately taken care of in the design of many communal and care homes. We discuss the effects of aging and memory decline on hearing and its resultant challenges in cognitive behaviour and level of social inclusion and outline specific acoustical needs for this demographic. Through a case study of a seniorst’ residence in Helsinki Finland, acoustical measurements of noise levels (reverberation times) were conducted, and the results analysed against current standards. Field results as well as a table of acoustical design considerations is presented at the end of the article.Description
architecture, memory decline, sensory design, supportive soundscape, Architecture, Supportive Soundscape, Memory Decline, Sensory Design
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Salminen, V & Arpiainen, L 2024, Recommendations for Acoustical Environments for Seniors and Persons with Memory Decline . in I Verma & L Arpiainen (eds), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Architecture, Research, Care and Health (ARCH24), Espoo, Finland, 17–19 June 2024 . vol. 319, IOS Press, pp. 183-192, International Conference on Architecture, Research, Care and Health, Espoo, Finland, 17/06/2024 .