Functional simulations of power electronics components in series-hybrid machinery for the needs of OEM
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Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Automation |
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
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Proceedings of the Nordic Workshop on Power and Industrial Electronics (NORPIE/2008)
This paper proposes method for rapid control prototyping of the series-hybrid transmission system. The rapid control prototyping needs simulation submodels from all system components in order to develop supervisory control software. The same simulation models can also be used to optimize the drive train. The target framework for the rapid control prototyping method is the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), where the objective is to build devices from subcontractor's components. The machinery industry, as a target group, uses high power ratings for the creation of motion, which leads to high voltage and current values used in the system. Therefore, prototyping is started with careful simulations. This paper also seeks to create a general idea about the structure of the series-hybrid power transmission and assists the start of the process for designing the supervisory control.Description
functional simulation, power electronics, series-hybrid drive train