Deactivation of Li by vacancy clusters in ion-implanted and flash-annealed ZnO
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© 2006 American Physical Society (APS). This is the accepted version of the following article: Børseth, T. Moe & Tuomisto, Filip & Christensen, J. S. & Skorupa, W. & Monakhov, E. V. & Svensson, B. G. & Kuznetsov, A. Yu. 2006. Deactivation of Li by vacancy clusters in ion-implanted and flash-annealed ZnO. Physical Review B. Volume 74, Issue 16. 161202/1-4. ISSN 1098-0121 (printed). DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.74.161202, which has been published in final form at
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Physical Review B, Volume 74, Issue 16
Li is present in hydrothermally grown ZnO at high concentrations and is known to compensate both n- and p-type doping due to its amphoteric nature. However, Li can be manipulated by annealing and ion implantation in ZnO. Fast, 20 ms flash anneals in the 900–1400°C range result in vacancy cluster formation and, simultaneously, a low-resistive layer in the implanted part of the He- and Li-implanted ZnO. The vacancy clusters, involving 3-4 Zn vacancies, trap and deactivate Li, leaving other in-grown donors to determine the electrical properties. Such clusters are not present in sufficient concentrations after longer (1h) anneals because of a relatively low dissociation barrier ∼2.6 ± 0.3 eV, so ZnO remains compensated until Li diffuses out after 1250°C anneals.Description
lithium, deactivation, ZnO, vacancy cluster
Other note
Børseth, T. Moe & Tuomisto, Filip & Christensen, J. S. & Skorupa, W. & Monakhov, E. V. & Svensson, B. G. & Kuznetsov, A. Yu. 2006. Deactivation of Li by vacancy clusters in ion-implanted and flash-annealed ZnO. Physical Review B. Volume 74, Issue 16. 161202/1-4. ISSN 1098-0121 (printed). DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.74.161202