Hyperdoping-regulated room-temperature NO2 gas sensing performances of black silicon based on lateral photovoltaic effect
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Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 382
Black silicon co-hyperdoped with sulfur and nitrogen in different ratios is prepared by femtosecond laser-assisted chemical etching in the mixed atmosphere of SF6 and NF3 with varying gas pressure ratios. Their room-temperature NO2 gas sensing capability is studied systematically, in which the photocurrent as a readout signal is generated by the lateral photovoltaic effect of black silicon under an asymmetrical light illumination. These co-hyperdoped black silicon exhibits high response, fast response/recovery, ultrawide detection range from 29 ppb to 2000 ppm, excellent selectivity and acceptable long-term durability over 3 months. Moreover, NO2 gas sensing performances are effectively tuned or optimized by deliberately changing the co-doping ratio of sulfur and nitrogen, as different photovoltaic characteristics are induced by changes in morphology and structural defects resulting from different hyperdoping. Specifically, ultra-high relative gas response (~3955%@20 ppm NO2) and superior selectivity are obtained at the SF6/NF3 pressure ratio of 56/14, while faster response/recovery time (17 s/ 47 s@20 ppm NO2) and response photocurrent with a weaker disturbance by humidity are given by the samples with SF6/NF3 of 7/63 and 63/7, respectively. Therefore, such black silicon material has good potential to meet different application needs.Description
black silicon, NO2 gas sensor, hyperdoping regulation, gas sensing performance, lateral photovoltaic effect
Other note
Wang, W, Li, H, Liu, X, Ma, S, Zhao, Y, Dong, B, Li, Y, Ning, X, Zhao, L & Zhuang, J 2023, ' Hyperdoping-regulated room-temperature NO2 gas sensing performances of black silicon based on lateral photovoltaic effect ', Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 382, 133473 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2023.133473