The right experience: Designing for user and brand experience through the alignment of experience goals

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School of Arts, Design and Architecture | Master's thesis






Degree programme

Master's Programme in Collaborative and Industrial Design







When designing for experiences, professionals from different areas, such as user experience or branding, follow methods and approaches that focus on one aspect of them. Defining the right experience requires defining the right approach to it. This requires not only an understanding of the approaches and definitions different areas have of experiences but also, to find points of alignment between them. This work is about that alignment. This thesis work aims to define an experience-driven approach that enables designing for both user and brand experiences through the use and alignment of experience goals. The thesis focuses in answering the following research question: “How can an experience-driven design approach balance user experience and brand experience goals for the development of a brand and the related new services?” This thesis posts secondary research questions related to the use case and how to bring experience-driven approaches to an applicable form to be used and understood by non-designers. This alignment of user and brand experience goals, if done correctly, can prove the potential of experience- driven design approaches to create strategical value for organisations when creating new services. The mentioned alignment can bring more clarity towards a holistic way of working and designing for both user experience and brand experience. As a contribution, this thesis proposes an experience-driven approach that aligns brand and user experience goals. It provides concrete guidelines and a tangible toolkit for service creation. This particular design work was done in collaboration with Marttaliitto, a 118-year-old Finnish organisation dedicated to the teaching and promotion of house economics and well-being. This thesis follows a 2-track research approach in which a common understanding is built through literature review and then the research gets divided into a user experience and a brand experience track and finally becomes a single track when alignment is done. The research uses tools such as Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and Positive Design Framework in the context of experience- driven design and reflects on the outcome of using them in a process like this. This thesis aims to become a good point of reference towards building a common understanding of how to create experience-driven approaches that serve both user experience and brand experience in the creation of new services through a purposeful and objective use of experience goals. The thesis is targeted to those designers and non-designers interested in understanding how to apply experience- driven approaches and how designers can bring such approaches into action and possibly scale them up to different contexts.



Roto, Virpi

Thesis advisor

Murto, Pekka


experience goals, experience-driven design, UX design, brand design, alignment, strategy

Other note

Media files notes: Workshop I with Marttaliitto Description: This image was taken in Marttaliitto's office in Helsinki while working on one of two workshops held with their staff. Media rights: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
