Functional organization of social perception networks in the human brain

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.authorSantavirta, Severien_US
dc.contributor.authorKarjalainen, Tomien_US
dc.contributor.authorNazari-Farsani, Sanazen_US
dc.contributor.authorHudson, Matthewen_US
dc.contributor.authorPutkinen, Vesaen_US
dc.contributor.authorSeppälä, Kerttuen_US
dc.contributor.authorSun, Lihuaen_US
dc.contributor.authorGlerean, Enricoen_US
dc.contributor.authorHirvonen, Jussien_US
dc.contributor.authorKarlsson, Henry K.en_US
dc.contributor.authorNummenmaa, Laurien_US
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineeringen
dc.contributor.organizationUniversity of Turkuen_US
dc.descriptionFunding Information The study was supported by grants to LN from European Research Council ( #313000 ) and the Academy of Finland ( #332225 , #294897 ). SNF thanks Turku University Hospital for the financial support of her postdoctoral fellowship at Turku PET Centre. We thank Tuulia Malen for the fruitful conversations around the involved analysis methods and Juha Lahnakoski for the help with low-level feature extraction. | openaire: EC/H2020/313000/EU//SOCIAL BRAIN
dc.description.abstractHumans rapidly extract diverse and complex information from ongoing social interactions, but the perceptual and neural organization of the different aspects of social perception remains unresolved. We showed short movie clips with rich social content to 97 healthy participants while their haemodynamic brain activity was measured with fMRI. The clips were annotated moment-to-moment for a large set of social features and 45 of the features were evaluated reliably between annotators. Cluster analysis of the social features revealed that 13 dimensions were sufficient for describing the social perceptual space. Three different analysis methods were used to map the social perceptual processes in the human brain. Regression analysis mapped regional neural response profiles for different social dimensions. Multivariate pattern analysis then established the spatial specificity of the responses and intersubject correlation analysis connected social perceptual processing with neural synchronization. The results revealed a gradient in the processing of social information in the brain. Posterior temporal and occipital regions were broadly tuned to most social dimensions and the classifier revealed that these responses showed spatial specificity for social dimensions; in contrast Heschl gyri and parietal areas were also broadly associated with different social signals, yet the spatial patterns of responses did not differentiate social dimensions. Frontal and subcortical regions responded only to a limited number of social dimensions and the spatial response patterns did not differentiate social dimension. Altogether these results highlight the distributed nature of social processing in the brain.en
dc.description.versionPeer revieweden
dc.identifier.citationSantavirta, S, Karjalainen, T, Nazari-Farsani, S, Hudson, M, Putkinen, V, Seppälä, K, Sun, L, Glerean, E, Hirvonen, J, Karlsson, H K & Nummenmaa, L 2023, ' Functional organization of social perception networks in the human brain ', NeuroImage, vol. 272, 120025 .
dc.identifier.otherPURE UUID: 14bf7bc2-24dc-42f3-be37-f0e579a4c305en_US
dc.identifier.otherPURE ITEMURL:
dc.identifier.otherPURE LINK:
dc.identifier.otherPURE FILEURL:
dc.publisherAcademic Press
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/313000/EU//SOCIAL BRAINen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 272en
dc.subject.keywordIntersubject correlationen_US
dc.subject.keywordMultivariate pattern analysisen_US
dc.subject.keywordSocial perceptionen_US
dc.titleFunctional organization of social perception networks in the human brainen
dc.typeA1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessäfi
