Branded scholarly information services among young researchers
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82, [28]
OTA-kirjasto. E, OTA-kirjasto. E, 5
The study examines the transition of scientific journals to branded scholarly information services. It has been suggested that electronic publishing systems could provide new opportunities to create advanced linking capabilities, community collaboration, and integration across research and application communities at a level not possible with print systems. The scientific journals that are licensed as web-based services include a variety of augmented services to supplement the plain journal articles and reference databases. Branding the services has offered a way to both differentiate and ensure confidence in the Internet. The study seeks to answer the following questions: how do young researchers take notice of branded scholarly information services, how do they value the augmented services, and what, if any, brand value aspects emerged between them and the electronic information services? The theoretical background of the study derives from information-seeking behavior supplemented with marketing and consumer theories about branding and the commodification of information. The empirical research material is compiled from the views of young researchers in the fields of science and technology and the data is statistically analyzed. The results of the study demonstrate that the brand value, the differential effect of the brand name, can be positively affected over time. The study shows that library websites together with colleagues are an important source of initial information about the electronic scholarly information services. The awareness of service brands increases significantly with the frequency of use. The results indicate that the services directly linked with the current core product are becoming an essential part of the journal services. The value of links between other services and products is found to increase significantly with experience. The ability to personalize the services is found to be more important among users with moderate experience. Satisfaction in the services is found to influence the intentions to advocate for the services. In general, young researchers are found inclined to continue using the electronic scholarly information services. However, there is no clear evidence of brand loyalty.Description
brands, trademarks, scholarly information, brandit, tavaramerkit, tieteellinen tiedonvälitys