Unlearning with a social enterprise
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Perustieteiden korkeakoulu |
Master's thesis
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Työpsykologia ja johtaminen
Degree programme
111 s.
It would not be an exaggeration to claim that I have been fortunate to have been exposed to quality education and a healthy childhood, especially belonging to a middle class family in a country like Pakistan. The children on the street in my country are always under the threat of physical abuse and social injustice. They are ignored due to society's lack of awareness and children's lack of social skills. The plight of these children has always been a topic of personal interest to me. Lettucebee Kids is a Non-Profit Organization that involved these children in weekly activities to provide physical, mental and social support since 2009. The aim of this master's thesis; in collaboration with Lettucebee Kids, is to identify the kind of activities and processes that can support social enterprises in developing countries. The pursuit of this topic has led to interviewing professionals and practitioners in social enterprises in order to develop the understanding of the domain. Furthermore to establish the goals of the business, surveys with respondents from Pakistan have provided quantitative data informing about what people expect and need from a social enterprise. With the insights from the research, business process models have been created. These processes along with the findings related to the proposals about the environment that can support these business activities can be considered by Lettucebee Kids while planning their business. The business processes have been created to emphasize the fulfillment of both social and financial objectives.Description
Vartiainen, MattiThesis advisor
Berg, PekkaPolvinen, Kirsi
social enterprises, social innovation, street children, business processes, business process models, Lettucebee kids