Improving hospital services based on patient experience data: Current feedback practices and future opportunities
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Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 247
Patient feedback is considered important for healthcare organizations. However, measurement and analysis of patient reported data is useful only if gathered insights are transformed into actions. This article focuses on gathering and utilization of patient experience data at hospitals with the aim of supporting the development of patient-centered services. The study was designed to explore both current practices of collecting and utilizing patient feedback at hospitals as well as future feedback-related opportunities. Nine people working at different hierarchical levels of three university hospitals in Finland participated in in-depth interviews. Findings indicate that current feedback processes are poorly planned and inflexible. Some feedback data are gathered, but not systematically utilized. Currently, it is difficult to obtain a comprehensive picture of the situation. One future hope was to increase the amount of patient feedback to be able to better generalize and utilize the data. Based on the findings the following recommendations are given: attention to both patients' and healthcare staff's perspectives when collecting feedback, employing a coordinated approach for collecting and utilizing patient feedback, and organizational transformation towards a patient-centric culture.Description
Feedback, Formative feedback, Hospital nursing staff, Hospital-patient relations, Patient satisfaction, Patient-centered care
Other note
Kaipio, J, Stenhammar, H, Immonen, S, Litovuo, L, Axelsson, M, Lantto, M & Lahdenne, P 2018, Improving hospital services based on patient experience data : Current feedback practices and future opportunities . in Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data : The Future of Co-Created eHealth - Proceedings of MIE 2018 . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 247, IOS Press, pp. 266-270, Medical Informatics Europe Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 24/04/2018 .