Radio resource scheduling and smart antennas in cellular CDMA communication systems
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Report / Helsinki University of Technology, Control Engineering Laboratory, 142
This thesis discusses two important subjects in multi-user wireless communication systems, radio resource scheduler (RRS) and smart antenna. RRS optimizes the available resources among users to increase the capacity and enhance the system performance. The RRS optimization procedure is based on the network conditions (link gain, interference, …) and the required quality of service (QoS) of each user. The CDMA system capacity and performance can be greatly enhanced by reducing the interferences. One of the techniques to reduce the interferences is by exploiting the spatial structure of the interferences. This could be done by using smart antennas which are the second subject of this thesis. The joining procedures of the smart antennas and RRS are discussed as well. Multi-Objective optimization approach is proposed to solve the radio resource scheduler problems. New algorithms are derived namely the Multi-Objective Distributed Power Control (MODPC) algorithm, Multi-Objective Distributed Power and Rate Control (MODPRC) algorithm, and Maximum Throughput and Minimum Power Control (MTMPC) algorithm. Other modified versions of these algorithms have been obtained such as Multi-Objective Totally Distributed Power and Rate Control (MOTDPRC) algorithm, which can be used when only one-bit quantized Carrier to Interference Ratio (CIR) is available. Kalman filter is proposed as a second technique to solve the RRS problem. The motivation to use Kalman filter is the known fact that Kalman filter is the optimum linear tracking device on the basis of second order statistics. The RRS is formulated in state space form. Two different formulations are introduced. New simple and efficient estimation of the CIR is presented. The method is used to construct a novel power control algorithm called Estimated Step Power Control (ESPC) algorithm. The smart antenna concepts and algorithms are discussed. New adaptation algorithm is proposed. It is called General Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (GMVDR) algorithm. The joining of MIMO smart antennas and radio resource scheduler is investigated. Kalman filter is suggested as a simple algorithm to join smart antenna and multi-rate power control in a new way. The performance of the RRS of CDMA cellular communication systems in the presence of smart antenna is studied.Description
CDMA, power control, RRS, smart antennas, multi-objective optimization, Kalman filters