Language teacher perceptions and practices of digital literacy in Finnish higher education
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Uusia lukutaitoja rakentamassa : Building new literacies, Volume 75, issue 1, AFinLA:n vuosikirja, Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistyksen julkaisuja, issue 76
Digital literacy and digitalization have rapidly entered curriculum planning as key development targets in Finnish higher education, and consequently, also in the teaching and learning of languages and communication. For language teachers, this creates new development possibilities but also challenges, as new working methods and proficiencies need to be embraced. In this paper we focus on teacher perspectives of and practices in digital literacy and seek to identify the development needs they have and the challenges they face. Our study shows that there is a high level of interest in digital issues in language and communication teaching in Finland. Teachers are encouraged to include digital elements in their teaching. However, teachers need support and have varied needs in developing digipedagogical skills. The results of our study form the basis for a national-level strategy for furthering the digital literacy of language and communication teachers in higher education at personal, organizational and nationallevels.Description
digital literacy, digitalization, language learning, higher education
Other note
Juurakko-Paavola , T , Nelson , M & Rontu , H 2018 , Language teacher perceptions and practices of digital literacy in Finnish higher education . in L Lehti , P Peltonen , S Routarinne , V Vaakanainen & V Virsu (eds) , Uusia lukutaitoja rakentamassa : Building new literacies . 1 edn , vol. 75 , AFinLA:n vuosikirja , Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistyksen julkaisuja , no. 76 , Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys AFinLA ry , pp. 41-60 .