Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis of SHDB Objects Using Surface Integral Equation Method
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Photonics, Volume 7, issue 4
A surface integral equation (SIE) method is applied in order to analyze electromagnetic scattering by bounded arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional objects with the SHDB boundary condition. SHDB is a generalization of SH (Soft-and-Hard) and DB boundary conditions (at the DB boundary, the normal components of the D and B flux densities vanish). The SHDB boundary condition is a general linear boundary condition that contains two scalar equations that involve both the tangential and normal components of the electromagnetic fields. The multiplication of these scalar equations with two orthogonal vectors transforms them into a vector form that can be combined with the tangential field integral equations. The resulting equations are discretized and converted to a matrix equation with standard method of moments (MoM). As an example of use of the method, we investigate scattering by an SHDB circular disk and demonstrate that the SHDB boundary allows for an efficient way to control the polarization of the wave that is reflected from the surface. We also discuss perspectives into different levels of materialization and realization of SHDB boundaries.Description
electromagnetic scattering, general linear boundary conditions, numerical analysis, Soft-and-Hard, DB (SHDB) boundary, surface integral equation (SIE), ARTIFICIALLY SOFT, HARD SURFACES
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Kong, B, Yla-Oijala, P & Sihvola, A 2020, ' Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis of SHDB Objects Using Surface Integral Equation Method ', Photonics, vol. 7, no. 4, 134, pp. 1-12 . https://doi.org/10.3390/photonics7040134