Fast Bus Voltage Control of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Converter with Unified Harmonic Mitigation
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IEEE Access, Volume 11
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the harmonic sources of the single-phase grid-connected voltage source converter (VSC), which leads to an alternative approach for DC bus voltage control of the VSC under grid voltage distortion with a significant switching dead time. A selective current harmonic controller with the zero-reference structure plays a vital role in rejecting the harmonic components in the grid reference current created by the bus voltage control loop and the harmonic components in the grid voltage and in the VSC caused by the switching dead time. Therefore, the bus voltage control can adopt a conventional proportional-integral regulator tuned at a fast bandwidth. The proposed control scheme implemented in the multiple unbalanced synchronous reference frames was validated with a bidirectional 2-kVA VSC under grid voltage distortion and a significant dead time. Furthermore, the proposed control scheme exhibited the transient response and grid current quality superior to the conventional bus voltage control methods with a notch filter and a low-pass filter. The proposed control scheme has inherent frequency adaption.Description
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<italic xmlns:ali="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="">Current distortion</italic>, <italic xmlns:ali="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="">dead time</italic>, <italic xmlns:ali="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="">double-frequency ripple</italic>, <italic xmlns:ali="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="">renewable energy</italic>, Current control, DC-DC power converters, Distortion, Frequency control, Harmonic analysis, Power harmonic filters, Voltage control
Other note
Pannawan, A, Kaewchum, T, Somkun, S & Hinkkanen, M 2023, ' Fast Bus Voltage Control of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Converter with Unified Harmonic Mitigation ', IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 6452-6466 .