A Local Pedestrian Mobility Model for Urban Content Sharing
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Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu |
Master's thesis
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S3029 Networking Technology
Degree programme
TLT - Master’s Programme in Communications Engineering
In opportunistic content sharing schemes such as the Floating Content Concept, a piece of content deemed to be relevant in certain geographical region (anchor zone) is made available for sharing without the support of any kind of infrastructure. Using the principles of opportunistic networking, content is stored and replicated among mobile nodes, ultimately dwelling in the anchor zone in a scrounging manner. As a best effort scheme, availability of content depends on the availability of information carrying nodes and their movement behavior within the anchor zone. In line with capturing important pedestrian mobility patterns, the research community have proposed and studied a wide range of mobility models for ad-hoc networks. For opportunistic content sharing, microscopic level mobility models that capture individual movement patterns are important. At the microscopic level, we have an “open” simulation world in which nodes enter and leave rather than a closed system in which nodes reside permanently. Moreover, these "open worlds" such as city squares often have small number of concurrent nodes which makes steady state analysis insufficient. In this thesis work, we investigate the operation of a content sharing application,Floating Content, under such microscopic mobility conditions and characterize its behavior for city squares. For its validation, we introduce the Square Mobility Model, a pedestrian mobility model for content sharing in open city squares. We use stochastic modeling techniques to derive a mathematical expressions for capturing important elements of pedestrian movement in squares.Description
Ott, JörgThesis advisor
Ott, JörgKeywords
delay tolerant networking, DTN, opportunistic networking, best effort, content sharing, mobility model