Helsinki Freezing Interactive Installation – B-girl's POint of View

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School of Arts, Design and Architecture | Master's thesis





Degree programme

Master's Degree Programme in New Media
Uuden median maisteriohjelma







Helsinki Freezing – a series of photography and video works together with an immersive interactive video installation – was exhibited for the first time in Gallery Huuto in Helsinki, Finland June–July 2011. The written part of the work concentrates mainly in the documentation of the artistic processes behind the production but reveals some history of breaking and hip-hop culture as well. Furthermore, it discusses theories related to the piece – the concepts of immersion and interaction plus introduces how dance and new media are usually combined in digital (interactive) art. B-boying – a very essential part of hip-hop culture – was born on the streets of New York during the 1970s. Throughout the years the dance form has gained a worldwide popularity. Finnish breakers belong to the world's top ones. With its evolution breaking has moved over from the streets to dance studios and other inside premises – especially in Finland where the climate is rather challenging most of the year. Helsinki Freezing takes breaking back to the streets – b-girls from Helsinki are documented in urban city landscapes during the coldest and snowiest winter period. From the street breaking is taken into a gallery. The photographs and videos for Helsinki Freezing piece were shot in the beginning of the year 2011. Used techniques and angles took use on the possibilities of a GoPro HD Hero headset – a video camera that has been developed especially for filming extreme sports. The interactive part of the installation presents the dance from the breaker’s point of view and gives the viewer an opportunity to get “inside of a b-girl’s head” observing the world through her eyes. Still photographs and video works that combine i.a. slow and stop motion techniques reveal the series of movements for representatives of the culture as well as for viewers who are not familiar with breaking and help them to understand the foundation and the complexity of the dance. By making art out of breaking one of the aims was also to reach an audience that usually might not visit galleries on a regular basis. The intention was to create a multidisciplinary space where a traditional art gallery transforms into an urban culture scene mixing elements of hip-hop culture with new media.



Vuori, Rasmus

Thesis advisor

Sen, Ferhat
Asiala, Pipsa


interaction, exhibition, video art, breaking, exhibition, hip-hop culture, immersion, freeze

Other note


  • Exhibition at Gallery Huuto June–July 2011, Helsinki Freezing DVD
