Solid-state polymer adsorption for surface modification: The role of molecular weight

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.authorXu, Wenyangen_US
dc.contributor.authorMihhels, Karlen_US
dc.contributor.authorKotov, Nikolayen_US
dc.contributor.authorLepikko, Sakarien_US
dc.contributor.authorRas, Robin H.A.en_US
dc.contributor.authorJohnson, C. Magnusen_US
dc.contributor.authorPettersson, Torbjörnen_US
dc.contributor.authorKontturi, Eeroen_US
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Bioproducts and Biosystemsen
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Applied Physicsen
dc.contributor.groupauthorMaterials Chemistry of Celluloseen
dc.contributor.groupauthorSoft Matter and Wettingen
dc.contributor.organizationKTH Royal Institute of Technologyen_US
dc.descriptionFunding Information: W.X. acknowledges the funding from Tandem Forest Values (Project STRONGAD). Prof. Pekka Peljo is thanked for helping with contact angle measurements. Olle Engkvists Stiftelse (Sweden) is acknowledged for funding the nano infrared microscope as well as a postdoc scholarship for K.N. Dr. Leena-Sisko Johansson is thanked for assisting with XPS analyses and data interpretation. Dr. Katja Heise is thanked for helping with GPC measurements. Dr. Zhuojun Meng and Tao Zou (M.Sc.) are thanked for valuable discussions. This work made use of Aalto University Bioeconomy and RawMatters Facilities. We also acknowledge the provision of facilities and technical support by Aalto University at OtaNano - Nanomicroscopy Center (Aalto-NMC). The study is a part of FinnCERES Materials Bioeconomy Ecosystem. Funding Information: W.X. acknowledges the funding from Tandem Forest Values (Project STRONGAD). Prof. Pekka Peljo is thanked for helping with contact angle measurements. Olle Engkvists Stiftelse (Sweden)is acknowledged for funding the nano infrared microscope as well as a postdoc scholarship for K.N. Dr. Leena-Sisko Johansson is thanked for assisting with XPS analyses and data interpretation. Dr. Katja Heise is thanked for helping with GPC measurements. Dr. Zhuojun Meng and Tao Zou (M.Sc.) are thanked for valuable discussions. This work made use of Aalto University Bioeconomy and RawMatters Facilities. We also acknowledge the provision of facilities and technical support by Aalto University at OtaNano - Nanomicroscopy Center (Aalto-NMC). The study is a part of FinnCERES Materials Bioeconomy Ecosystem. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
dc.description.abstractHypothesis: Solid-state polymer adsorption offers a distinct approach for surface modification. These ultrathin, so-called Guiselin layers can easily be obtained by placing a polymer melt in contact with an interface, followed by a removal of the non-adsorbed layer with a good solvent. While the mechanism of formation has been well established for Guiselin layers, their stability, crucial from the perspective of materials applications, is not. The stability is a trade-off in the entropic penalty between cooperative detachment of the number of segments directly adsorbed on the substrate and consecutively pinned monomers.  Experiments: Experimental model systems of Guiselin layers of polystyrene (PS) on silicon wafers with native oxide layer on top were employed. The stability of the adsorbed layers was studied as a function of PS molecular weight and polydispersibility by various microscopic and spectroscopic tools as well as quasi-static contact angle measurements.  Findings: Adsorbed layers from low molecular weight PS were disrupted with typical spinodal decomposition patterns whereas high molecular weight (>500 kDa) PS resulted in stable, continuous layers. Moreover, we show that Guiselin layers offer an enticing way to modify a surface, as demonstrated by adsorbed PS that imparts a hydrophobic character to initially hydrophilic silicon wafers.en
dc.description.versionPeer revieweden
dc.identifier.citationXu, W, Mihhels, K, Kotov, N, Lepikko, S, Ras, R H A, Johnson, C M, Pettersson, T & Kontturi, E 2022, ' Solid-state polymer adsorption for surface modification: The role of molecular weight ', Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 605, pp. 441-450 .
dc.identifier.otherPURE UUID: fdce129e-98f4-4dff-95d2-9547193b3baben_US
dc.identifier.otherPURE ITEMURL:
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dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Colloid and Interface Scienceen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 605en
dc.subject.keywordContact angleen_US
dc.subject.keywordPolymer adsorptionen_US
dc.subject.keywordSilicon wafersen_US
dc.subject.keywordSurface modificationen_US
dc.titleSolid-state polymer adsorption for surface modification: The role of molecular weighten
dc.typeA1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessäfi
